So, things have been crazy around here as of late. The little munchkin that had her shoulders in my left hip and feet up under my right rib cage for 9 months finally made her big debut on June 12. We were so thrilled to finally meet her and the last month and a half has been a whirlwind of emotion and new responsibilities. There's not a book, specialist, article, class or doctor that can prepare you for the new life that having a baby throws at you. There has been little sleep, lots of frustration, many sweet snuggles and kisses along with an influx of uncontrollable tears over the last several weeks! It's so strange to watch a tiny little human being sigh as she's in a deep sleep and examine her teeny tiny finger nails and all her precious details and think that all of that, right there, is a part of you. You + your man, obviously. She was a part of me, literally, growing and developing those precious miniature fingernails and lungs for breathing, for 40 weeks of my life. It's a hard concept to wrap your mind around - and for me, it's amazing to look at her now and remember that she was that gigantic bump on my stomach for the last nine months. The circle of life, I tell ya. It's pretty dang neat.
She was born weighing 9 lbs. 10 oz and measuring nearly 21 inches long. A big, squishy, 100% healthy ole thing that looked more like a three-month-old than a newborn. She was alert and precious and had the sweetest disposition about her immediately. The first night in the hospital I stayed up all night long, holding her and just staring.
Seven weeks in and she's already got us wrapped around her finger. She's the cutest thing I've ever seen and sometimes we just sit and stare at her. She doesn't do much other than sleep, eat, dirty diapers, squirm and fidget, but every little bit of it is a precious happening. She's getting stronger each day - learning to hold her head up, focusing her eyes and smiling at us now - and it's amazing to watch her grow by the minute.
I find myself looking forward to her next milestones - however, I'm constantly reminding myself to stay in the now and appreciate her each minute. We're already learning that time really does go by too fast!
We're so blessed and thankful for our little angel!
My camera is in the shop, so I haven't done her official newborn photo shoot yet, so iPhone snaps will have to suffice for now.